Unmanned Aerial Robotics Institute
Provides Online and Onsite Technical Trainings for RPAS, Aviation, Maritime, and Oil & Gas.

The training provides expertise in Aerial Work and Mapping

Developing professional aviation personal as a career path

Maritime industry and maritime-related industries

Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas industry and Oil & Gas-related industry
Unmanned Aerial Robotics Institute
Aerial Robotics Asia provides a complete range of training courses for Remote Pilot Aircraft System (RPAS). All our programmes provide our students with the most in-depth and professional online training courses as well as onsite training

Invest your skills in becoming a Drone Pilot or commonly known as RPAS Pilot. Possess RPAS skills to discover your potential and carry out tasks safely and efficiently for any operations.
This technical course is designed for industries in Renewable Energy, Oil and Gas, Surveillance Construction, Engineering Professionals, Agricultural, Environmental Inspections, Urban Planning and Public Safety.
The training provides expertise on Aerial Work and Mapping. The programme introduces advanced planning, procedures and field flight techniques for professional and commercial drone data gathering
(Courses: 1) AVSEC - Aviation Security RPL (Drones)
(Courses: 2) CRM for RPL Pilots
(Courses: 3) RPL Theory (Existing Pilot License Holders) (3 Day)
(Courses: 4) RPL Theory Full Course (7 Day)
(Courses: 5) RPL - Preventative Maintenance
(Courses: 5) RPL - DG Dangerous Goods Awareness
(Courses: 7) Safety Officer Drone Awareness - Level 1
(Courses: 8) Safety Officer Drone Awareness - Level 2
2. Aviation
The aviation industry is a fast-growing industry that requires skilled and professionally trained personnel. The competence of the aircraft operators is highly relevant and in demand.
Our structured programme aims to develop professional aviation personal in their career path enhancement in Oil & Gas and Industry-required professional training to meet the strict demands of the aviation industry and aviation-related industry.
(Courses: 1) Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS)
(Courses: 2) Aviation Security (AVSEC) - Flight Crew
The aim of this course is to provide flight crew with the required knowledge of potential Aviation Security threats, the scope thereof, security practices at Airports and procedures in-flight and on the ground, in terms of preventing and managing security threats.
(Courses: 3) Aviation Security (AVSEC) - Ground Crews
The aim of this course is to provide Ground crew with the required knowledge of potential Aviation Security threats, the scope thereof, security practices at Airports and procedures in-flight and on the ground, in terms of preventing and managing security threats.
(Courses: 4) Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT)
(Courses: 5) Crew Resource Management - Refresher
(Courses: 6) Dangerous Goods (CAT 10)
(Courses: 7) Ditching & Survival Training (Fixed Wing)
(Courses: 8) Drug and Alcohol Management Plan - Engineers
(Courses: 9) Drug and Alcohol Management Plan - Pilots
(Courses: 10) Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
This course will provide the information needed to understand and implement an Emergency Response Plan (ERP). It is vital to familiarise yourself with the company specific ERP, however, this course covers the standard principles of emergency response and will ensure employees are familiar with the important aspects of handling any type of emergency in the most professional, efficient and effective manner.
(Courses: 11) Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS)
Fatigue Risk Management (FRMS) is a course that is targeted towards Flight & Ground Crews who are exposed to working conditions that include flight and duty periods, extended shifts, interrupted sleep cycles and exposure to fatigue inducing conditions.
(Courses: 12) Fire Fighting Theory (Flight Crew)***
(Courses: 13) Foreign Object Debris / Damage (FOD)
(Courses: 14) Fundamentals of Aviation
(Courses: 15) Initial Flight Attendant Training - Theory
(Courses: 16) Low Visibility Operations (LVO)
(Courses: 17) Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
(Courses: 18) Performance Based Navigation (PBN)
(Courses: 19) Reduced Visibility Separation Minimum (RVSM)
(Courses: 20) Aviation Flight Safety Officer (AFSO)
(Courses: 21) Human Factors for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs)
Coming Soon
(Courses: 22) Safety & Emergency Procedures (Flight Deck)
(Courses: 23) Volcanic Ash Avoidance
This course provides Flight Crew with an understanding of the impact of Volcanic Ash on aircraft operations, the detection of volcanic ash and procedures to avoid and manage a volcanic ash encounter.
(Courses: 24) Optimum Use of Weather Radar
This training programme is designed to train Pilots in the optimum use of Weather Radar for safer, more comfortable and cost-effective flights. It will help pilots understand weather radar controls and indicators, analyze data and also provide operational recommendations
(Courses: 25) Communicable Disease Awareness Training
(Courses: 26) Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) - Individual
The aim of this course is to assist individual workers with information relating to drug and alcohol abuse, the potential consequences of such abuse, company policies and responsibilities in dealing with employee drug and/or alcohol abuse. The programme also provides guidance in the actions to take if an individual needs assistance dealing with a potential addiction or in the event of suspecting a colleague is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
(Courses: 27) Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) - Supervisor
The aim of this programme is to address the requirements of management in respect of the development and implementation of a Drug and Substance abuse management plan and to assist management and supervisors in the policies and procedures relating to the prevention, reduction and control of drug and substance abuse problems in the workplace.
(Courses: 28) Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)
(Courses: 29) Safety Management System (SMS) Induction Training
This SMS Induction Training Programme will provide participants with a detailed overview of the fundamentals and operational requirements of an effective and operational Safety Management System (SMS).
(Courses: 30) Safety Management System (SMS) Recurrent Training
This SMS Programme is well designed and structured to meet any annual recurrent Safety Management System (SMS) training requirements for any operational staff.
3. Maritime
Maritime Industry is amongst the most important modes of transport and shipping used worldwide. It has been around for centuries helping people to meet their traveling and business requirements. Shipping plays a significant role in world trade and is the backbone of the world economy.
Our professional trainings are very relevant to maritime personal to meet the ever growing demands of the maritime industry and maritime-related industry.
(Courses: 1) Communicable Disease Awareness Training
This course is designed to provide knowledge about health and safety as it relates to infectious diseases. It teaches both employers and employees how infectious diseases like COVID-19 are spread in the work environment and how to protect themselves from potential exposure. The course also outlines ten common communicable diseases, such as Malaria, Ebola, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis and etc.
The training covers the procedures and factors in implementing a Communicable Disease Outbreak Response Plan for an event of a business or community outbreak. Seven key checklists for immediate implementation are available as downloads in the last module of the course
(Courses: 2) Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) - Individual
The aim of this course is to assist individual workers with information relating to drug & alcohol abuse, the potential consequences of such abuse, company policies and responsibilities in dealing with employee drug and/or alcohol abuse. The programme also provides guidance in the actions to take if an individual needs assistance dealing with a potential addiction, or in the event of suspecting a colleague is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
(Courses: 3)Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) - Supervisor
The aim of this programme is to tackle the issues of requirements of management in respect to the development and implementation of Drug and Substance abuse management plan and to assist management and supervisors in the policies and procedures relating to the prevention, reduction and control of drug and substance abuse problems in the workplace.
(Courses: 4) Ship Security Officer (SSO)
This programme aims to provide knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties & responsibilities of a Ship Security Officer (SSO), as defined in section A-V/5, A-VI-/VI of the STCW.
The focus is specifically on the duties & responsibilities of ship security, for implementing & maintaining a Ship Security Plan & liaison with the Company Security Officer (CSO) & with Port Facility Security Officers (PFSOs). The SAMTRA Doc Rev is: SSO01 13/04/2016
(Courses: 5) Designated Safety Duties (DSD)
The objective of this course is to ensure that seafarers with ‘Designated Security Duties’ can maintain the conditions set out in the Ship Security Plan, recognise security risks and threats, understand the requirement for undertaking regular security inspections of the ship and are able to correctly use the security equipment and systems which may be found onboard a vessel. This programme will ensure competence for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties as per STCW A-VI/6-2
(Courses: 6) Maritime Crowd Management
Crowd Management Training (Crowd Management and Passenger Safety STCW A-V/2 – 1 & 2) meets the mandatory minimum requirements for the training of masters, officers, ratings and other personnel on ro-ro passenger ships and on passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships:
- Safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces
- Passenger Safety
(Courses: 7) Passenger Safety & Social Responsibility (PSSR)
The training in Personal Safety and Social Responsibility is for all Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship with designated safety or pollution-prevention duties.
The objective of the training is to ensure that all seafarers can take responsibility for their own safety whilst looking out for the safety of others as well as protection of the marine environment from pollution.
Below are the objectives and outcomes of the training Comply with emergency procedures.
- Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment.
- Observe safe working practices.
- Contribute to effective communications on board the ship.
- Contribute to effective human relationships on board the ship.
- Understand and take necessary actions to control fatigue.
This programme is developed as per SAMSA Code: Ancillary Courses Personal Safety and Social Responsibility STCW A-VI/1-4.
(Courses: 8) Maritime Security Awareness Training
The objectives of this training programme are to address the day-to-day onboard security requirements for seagoing personnel. To ensure all seafarers can contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened security awareness, able to identify security threats and methods of maintaining security awareness and vigilance.
The Maritime Security Awareness Course (STCW A-VI/6-1) is applicable to any person looking for employment at sea, or currently engaged in any capacity on board ship to which the requirements of the ISPS code are applicable.
(Courses: 9) Bridge Resource Management (BRM)
Bridge resource management (BRM) was adopted by the maritime industry as a safety and error management tool and has now become an integral part of crew’s training. BRM makes use of all available resources including equipment and information and human resources to achieve safe operation.
BRM plays an important role in environments where human error can have devastating effects. It has proven to be an important tool for improving safety in the maritime industry and thus prevent the recurrence of incidents. It can thus help to support a safer and more efficient execution of operations by blending technical skills and human skills.
BRM can be termed as the effective management and utilisation of all resources, human and technical, available to the bridge team, to ensure the safe completion of the vessel’s voyage. Important BRM elements include: Communication, Decision-making, Situational Awareness, Teamwork, Managing Workload, Fatigue and Stress.
(Courses: 10) Helicopter Ditching & Survival Training Programme (HDSTP)
The Helicopter Ditching & Survival Training Programme (HDSTP) provides detailed information ranging from governmental and industry aviation standards to specific survival techniques associated with a helicopter ditching event. The HDSTP was developed by leading experts in aviation safety, training and competency assessment.
The programme is a must for anyone who flies over water and meets or exceeds the industry standard requirements for ditching theory. As part of a blending learning programme, you will be required to demonstrate your ability to prepare for a ditching, egress from a capsized helicopter underwater, egress simulator using breath-hold and an emergency breathing system and surface survival techniques at a recognised practical training provider after completing this online programme.
( Courses: 11) Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)
A Hostile Environment is defined as: A country, region or specified area subject to war, insurrection, civil unrest, terrorism or extreme levels of crime, banditry or lawlessness, public disorder or areas with extreme climatic conditions or terrain & natural disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
Any person living or working in such an environment would be well prepared to understand the skills & knowledge to ensure their own safety & that of their family or colleagues. This theory course is based on the delivery of vital information.
Module 1 – Introduction to HEAT
Module 2 – Threat Identification
Module 3 – Personal Security
Module 4 – Hotel Security
Module 5 – Managing Risk, Stress & Conflict
Module 6 – Surveillance Detection
Module 7 – Anti-hijacking Awareness
Module 8 – Hostage Negotiation
Module 9 – Hostage Survival
Module 10 – Ballistic, Knife Injuries & Shock
Module 11 – Grab Bag
Module 12 – Natural Disasters
4. Oil & Gas
Oil and natural gas are major industries in the energy market and play an influential role in the global economy as the world’s primary fuel sources.
Our specially designed courses aims to develop Oil & Gas personal in their professional career to meet the strict demands of the industry.
(Courses: 1) Behavioral Safety and Human Factors for Oil &Gas
In high-risk environments such as Oil & Gas Industry, it is vital that employees:
- Develop a Natural Culture of Compliance.
- Manage their mind-set & separate domestic stresses from work.
- Work as highly effective synchronised teams.
- Communicate effectively & recognise any failures.
- Cope effectively with emergencies or abnormal situations.
- Detect risks & problems timeously.
- Maintain high levels of Situational Awareness.
- Manage interpersonal relations effectively.
This unique programme originates from the study of ‘aircraft black box’ evidence of human error and error management techniques required to reduce error and manage threats than are essential in high-risk environments
(Courses: 2) CAP437 Helideck Inspection Training - Level 1
The objective of the Animated and Online CAP 437 Helideck Inspection Awareness Training Programme (Level 1 – Theory) is to provide offshore personnel involved in helicopter inspections and operations with the necessary knowledge of relevant helideck design features.
This programme clarifies the markings, visual aids and lighting systems that are in use on a wide variety of platforms and vessels in the Oil and Gas Industry.
The programme will also explain the various environmental conditions and factors that impact the performance and safety; and how it is during the initial planning phases, but the actual approach offshore.
It covers the first 6 Chapters of CAP437 and is presented in 4 parts. Our programme utilises detailed graphics and high-quality animations to ensure all participants develop a sound understanding of all the information presented in the CAP. There is an open book assessment on completion of the programme.
Successful completion of Level 1 is a prerequisite for completing Level 2 and Level 3.
(Courses: 3) CAP437 Helideck Inspection Training - Levels 2&3
The aim of the Instructor-Lead CAP 437 Helideck Inspection Training Programme (Level 2 – Practical) is to provide future helideck inspectors with the opportunity to review an actual inspection and complete a checklist.
The programme will be delivered via webinar by a Senior Helideck Inspector and will have an online component with several assessments to complete.
Level 3 of the Training Programme will be a virtual helideck inspection that will present participants with several issues / scenarios to review. All the details and findings must be entered on the checklist and the correct severity rating must be applied. The completed checklist will be assessed for accuracy and feedback will be provided.
All participants must have successfully completed the CAP 437 Helideck Inspection Awareness Training Programme (Level 1 – Theory) before having access to the Practical part of the Programme.
(Courses: 4) Helicopter Operations Initial Training (HOITS)
This on-line Helideck Operations Training Programme has been developed in accordance with the OPITO Initial Training Standard & is applicable for all (HLO’s) Helideck Landing Officers & (HDA’s) Helideck Assistants.
The programme is structured to provide a comprehensive learning experience in a blended format consisting of a 2-hour ZOOM session, on-line competency Instruction & Assessment, followed by a Practical (on-site). Evaluation will be conducted by the company Duty Holder utilising our Assessment Criteria & Documentation.
(Courses: 5) The Programme Outlines the following 5 Modules:
Module 1: Offshore Helideck Regulations & Guidelines
Module 2: Helicopter & Helideck Hazards & Management Systems
Module 3: HLO & HDA Responsibilities during Helicopter Landing & Departure
Module 4: Cargo & Passenger Handling
Module 5: HLO & HDA: Normally Unattended Installations
Courses: 6) Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Awareness Training
The H2S training programme is designed for workers operating in environments that have potential for the deadly H2S gas and provides information, procedures & case studies to ensure that employees take this hazard seriously. Workers have to follow procedures & understand how to identify, reduce, or eliminate the risks involved in H2S exposure.
(Courses: 7) Offshore Helicopter Incident Management (OHIM)
This Offshore Helicopter Incident Management (OHIM) Training Programme will provide offshore personnel with a brief introduction to the Bow-Tie methodology and highlight the components of this unique tool to effectively manage a top event that may occur.
The training will provide a detailed overview of all the significant threats and consequences that are generated from an Offshore Helicopter Incident. All the associated barriers / controls and escalation factors for each threat and consequence will be analysed.
On completion of the OHIM Programme, the Duty Holder will have access to a detailed operational audit checklist to review the facility has adequate barriers / controls in place to minimise the potential for incident or accident and to effectively manage a serious event that may occur during offshore helicopter operations.
Furthermore, the course will provide the Duty Holder with an opportunity for review and update the Emergency Response Plan (ERP), Facility Maintenance Programme and the Helideck Operations Manual (HOM).
It will also require liaison with the Helicopter Operator to ensure that their Operational Manuals address some of the high-risk areas identified in the OHIM process.
Enroll Now
Unit 37-02, Level 37, Q Sentral, 2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur